Devotional Instructions

1452046797_homeHow to use this devotional…


Because of the work of many from our church, you have the opportunity to grow and be changed by God. We offer this guidance as suggestions on how to get the most from these writings and reflections. Perhaps you have a pattern of devotional reading that works for you. That is fine. Use it. If you do not, start by following the guidelines below. They are designed to help you focus on God and interact with the Holy Spirit, who is our counselor in the faith.

  • Set aside a portion of time when you will be alert, attentive and unhurried. If you can arrange for the same time each day, this is best. Pick a place that is quiet, free of distractions and perhaps meaningful to you. Have a pen and pencil available.
  • Begin by slowing your heart, relaxing your body and releasing your mind and will, invite God to reveal himself to you. Tell God that you are giving him this time as a gift. Offer God a submitted spirit that says, (in your own words) “Whatever you want to show me or say to me this day, O God, I am here to listen. Reveal yourself. Guide me into your truth. Show me and teach me the ways of your Son Jesus. I want to listen. I want to obey.”
  • Read the scripture passage(s) slowly, perhaps many times. Do not rush. Let the words sink in and feel free to stop and picture a scene or ponder a word. Let the scripture seep into your mind and heart, listening for thoughts or ideas. Feel free to write notes; a word or phrase may stand out to you. Circle or underline the note and let those words sit a while. Ask God to reveal any truth they may hold.
  • Next, read the devotional writing. Again, take your time and try to get to the depths of what is being shared. If you know the writer, picture that person speaking those words directly to you. If you do not, imagine a wise spiritual guide offering these thoughts. As with scripture, use a pen or pencil freely, jotting notes or writing words that stand out for you. Dwell on this a bit longer and ask: “Why do these words catch me today.”
  • Take a few more minutes to ask God to show you anything else in this time. Do not rush, but meditate quietly on what you’ve read, thought and prayed.
  • Close with words of thanks to God for the time you’ve spent together.